Back on Track assists hard-working families & individuals living in the Conestoga Valley School District impacted by an UNAVOIDABLE financial hardship.
There are a growing number of people described as “the working poor.” They are self-sustaining but barely getting by. As a result, all it takes is one sudden and unexpected incident to knock someone ‘off-track’ and into debt.
Back on Track provides one-on-one coaching and limited, one-time, financial assistance to those who qualify for the program. The vision of Back on Track is to equip our clients to be the champion in their own journey!
As such, to protect the dignity of our clients, we use careful discernment in each individual case to differentiate between situations of RELIEF, REHABILITATION, & DEVELOPMENT.
- RELIEF is an urgent, temporary provision of emergency aid to reduce immediate suffering from an unavoidable crisis (not caused by chronic behavior or conditions). It is temporary and not meant to be a long-term solution. What happens when relief is provided in situations that don’t really require relief?
- Something called ‘The Downward Spiral of Dependency’ takes place for BOTH the giver AND receiver. Ponder the following example:
- Step 1- Grace gives $5 to Rob for the 1st time. Rob appreciates it greatly and Grace feels a sense of exhilaration because she helped Rob.
- Step 2- Grace gives Rob $5 a 2nd time. Rob now anticipates it and Grace feels a sense of purpose.
- Step 3- Grace gives Rob $5 a 3rd time. Rob now expects it and Grace feels necessary to Rob’s well-being.
- Step 4- Grace gives $5 to Rob a 4th time. Rob now feels entitled to it and Grace feels essential to Rob’s life.
- Finally, in step 5- Grace gives $5 to Rob a 5th time. Rob is now dependent on it and Grace feels paternal, vital to Rob’s existence.
- Something called ‘The Downward Spiral of Dependency’ takes place for BOTH the giver AND receiver. Ponder the following example:
- REHABILITATION begins as soon as the immediate suffering stops and seeks to restore people to the positive elements of their pre-crisis condition. Here, we move away from doing things for someone to working with them to take steps to improve their situation. The goal is stability.
- DEVELOPMENT is the process of ongoing change that moves people closer to a right relationship with God, self, others, and the rest of creation than they have been in the past. Like rehabilitation, development is not done to people or for people, but with them. The goal is a holistically flourishing life. Therefore, we give our clients the option of being paired up with a personal mentor.