Stats & Facts
People may be under the impression that those living in poverty in Lancaster County primarily reside in the city of Lancaster. But did you know that 70% actually live OUTSIDE the city?
- Lancaster County Population: 536,494
- 10.2% live below the poverty line (10.3% in Conestoga Valley School District).
- 16% are children.
- 9.5% overall food insecurity rate.
- 14.8% child food insecurity rate.
- The Central PA Food Bank distributes on average over 5.5 million pounds of food each month, more than 67 million pounds per year, through 1,000 partner agencies and programs, which includes CVCCS.
- 10.2% live below the poverty line (10.3% in Conestoga Valley School District).
*Lancaster County stats according to Census Reporter | Central PA Food Bank | Feeding America | USDA | WGAL