CVCCS is Serving Food Bank Clients

Conestoga Valley Christian Community Services is continuing to serve food bank clients during the Covid-19 crisis.

To keep everyone safe, we are pre-packing bags of food with non-perishables, meat, dairy, produce (lots of very fresh fruits and veggies!), and bakery, and loading them into people’s cars. Clients remain in their car and drive away with lots of food thanks to the restaurants, growers, local businesses, and partners who are providing items to us.

Existing clients are asked to schedule an appointment once every 30 days. To schedule an appointment, call 717-208-3711 ext. 100.

New clients may call  717-208-3711 ext. 101 to sign up for food bank services.

CVCCS is also offering its Back on Track Program for CV residents who are facing financial hardship. For more information about this program, please call Dottie at 717-208-3711 ext. 103.

For more information please visit our website at or call 717-208-3711.

Here’s to a safe and happy Spring to all!